Dictionary translates this word as Anticipation. It means a feeling or excitement of something that is going to happen in future. The word Vorfreude is made up of Vor which means Pre and Freude which means happiness. I have a very beautiful association with this word as it reminds of a saying that one of[...]
Fern means far and Weh means pain, so Fernweh literally translates as far-sickness, like homesickness! You are away from home and you miss it, it means you are home sick, in the same way, if you are away from being away and miss that, then that’s called as Fehrweh. Confusing? Nope, totally interesting! Fehrnweh is[...]
Heimat is one of the very special words in German which actually doesn’t have any English parallel. It denotes home town or home land, connotes however a lot more than that. The German word Heim means home. However the term Heimat is a lot more than a 4 walled house, as it connects you with[...]
Talking about words, the first article has to be on the word as beautiful as Wortschatz!This is one of my favourite words in German which roughly translates as “vocabulary” in English. If we literally break down this word and translate, it means “word treasure”. Beautiful, isn’t it? Schatz means something which is very valuable to[...]
Words travel, words empower, words inspire and words energize! Every word is special!! As clichéd as it sounds, it stands perfectly true for each and every linguist or a language enthusiast. Every language lover has some special words which he or she likes because of its origin, because of its syllables or because of the[...]