Our Courses & Workshops

Pathshaalaa offers various range of courses for different age groups starting from preparation of German international levels to tailor-made signature courses. We also have various workshops for language professionals.


A1 to C1 German

The European Framework provides a unified basis for language learning across Europe. In six standardized levels, it describes the skills a learner has at each step along the way.

Our syllabus is within international framework, wherein we focus on all the 4 aspects of learning a foreign language i.e. Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing. For this we use the aids like audios, videos, role-plays and ample amount of exercises.

Duration: 120-150 Hours each level

Spoken German & Grammar Revision Course

A signature course by Pathshaalaa, customized by our in-house trainers. This course aims at revising German Grammar from A1 to B2 level along with providing students with a platform to develop their spoken and written German.

Duration: 60-80 hours


A signature course by Pathshaalaa, customized by our in-house trainers. This course aims at covering different vocabulary topics from A1 to B1 German levels while focusing on spoken German skills.

There are 2 levels of this course. 

Duration: 30 hours

Professional German Communication

A signature course by Pathshaalaa, customized by our in-house trainers. This course aims at equipping the students with the skills required for a job as a German Language Professional. This course is designed to provide you with a unique combination of Soft Skills and German Language Skills.

Duration: 40 hours



A signature course by Pathshaalaa, customized by our in-house trainers. This course aims at combining the fun of watching a movie with practicing language skills. We believe that watching movies and series is a great way to improve language skills. So, we have collected some enjoyable short films to help you learn German. 

Duration: 4 hours

Interview Skills Workshop

This is a signature workshop of Pathshaalaa, specially designed by experts. In this workshop, we take you through typical questions asked in interviews and lead you through the answering process. This is to make sure that you are not tongue-tied when you face some very typical but quite difficult questions. As a part of this workshop, the mock-interviews are conducted so that you have a dry-run of the exact interview process.

Duration: 4 hours


enter, develop and grow!!

“In”Corporate is a unique masterclass curated by experts at Pathshaalaa and Risara. In this workshop, our experienced facilitators will prepare you for an entry or promotion in a corporate job. In this masterclass, you will learn, how to communicate effectively. It will prepare you for the typical questions asked in interviews and lead you through the answering process. It also focuses on getting to know corporate etiquette to achieve your professional goals.
As a part of this masterclass, the 1-2-1 counselling sessions are conducted so that you have a dry-run of the exact interview process along with addressing your specific queries regarding corporate communication and etiquette.

– Interactive Session: 7 hours
– 1-2-1 Counselling Sessions: 30 minutes

Resume Writing Workshop

This is a signature workshop of Pathshaalaa specially designed by HR expert. In this workshop, we help you to design your Resume in a way that your capabilities are showcased legitimately and make your place in the corporate world. Join this workshop, to make your first impressions the lasting one!

Duration: 2 hours

Learn Online Teaching Tools:

A journey from blackboard to the smartboard

This signature workshop of Pathshaalaa is a smart and effective way of getting acquainted with different online tools of teaching. This doesn’t only help you to make your classes more interactive but also aids you to organize your online classes in a more structured manner.

We aim to provide you with hands-on experience during this workshop. With our daily assignments, we make sure you have practical experience with different online teaching tools.

Duration: 12 hours (Basic Level – 6 hours, Advanced Level – 6 hours)

Our free German-Speaking Club


„Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold“ sagt ein deutsches Sprichwort! Natürlich gilt das nicht, wenn man Deutsch lernt. Man ist ständig auf der Suche nach Gelegenheit, ein paar Wörtchen auf Deutsch zu sprechen. Genau mit diesem Gedanken will Pathshaalaa Deu“Tisch“ ins Leben rufen. Ziel von Pathshaalaas Deu“Tisch“ ist eine Gruppe von Menschen zu gestalten, die sich regelmäßig virtuell trifft, um dort über bestimmte Themen zu reden. Wir fügen ein weiteres i-Tüpfelchen hinzu, indem wir die Themen, über die wir sprechen und die Redemittel schon im Voraus an die Gruppe senden.