Words travel, words empower, words inspire and words energize!
Every word is special!! As clichéd as it sounds, it stands perfectly true for each and every linguist or a language enthusiast.
Every language lover has some special words which he or she likes because of its origin, because of its syllables or because of the associations that one has with those words.
Some languages have some special words; you can experience those only when you learn those languages. They cannot be translated, even if you do, other languages might not have exact same expression or even if it has, you don’t feel associated with translations as much as you do with the original word.
15 years ago, I started learning German. I have many stories associated with some beautiful German words!
So, here I am with my new series of posts, “Word Sketch”, where I would be sharing my word stories with you all!
Image by Devanath from Pixabay