Talking about words, the first article has to be on the word as beautiful as Wortschatz!
This is one of my favourite words in German which roughly translates as “vocabulary” in English. If we literally break down this word and translate, it means “word treasure”. Beautiful, isn’t it? Schatz means something which is very valuable to the owner and I am sure all the people who learn German will agree that the vocabulary in German is really a treasure and if at all you neglect it, it will be robbed from your memory and then you will have to go on a whole new treasure hunt to acquire it again!! (This stands true for all languages though.) And another thing about treasures is, you have no idea how deep they are and all you need to do is keep diving deeper and deeper to find everything valuable!
Schatz has another meaning in German which I can’t miss to mention here! It means a sweetheart or a person who is near and dear to you! Now this might not be connoted meaning in this word, but taking liberty of interpretation, I would say, “Wort” is definitely a Schatz of any language, always and ever!
Now the word vocabulary doesn’t express all this meaning, but definitely some other languages have similar parallels like Marathi. Wortschatz is शब्दसंपदा in its true sense!!
Do you know any other parallels in other languages?
Do share your word stories in comments!
Photo by David Bartus from Pexels